
Affordable Landlord Services That Let You Enjoy Life

The poet Carl Sandburg wrote, “Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.”

How are you spending your coin each day as a landlord? Is a typical day for you…

Repairing Mr. Johnson’s shower leak in Apt. 2C?

Returning calls about the available apartment on North Ave.

Traveling on the east side to pick up the rent from the Taylors?

If so, then you need Simple Renting. We understand the day-to-day challenges landlords face. Managing all the pieces of the puzzle can be daunting and stressful. Simple Renting offers a stress-free alternative to D.I.Y. landlords or property management companies.  We are not a property management company. We are the answer for landlords who are unable to find a company that takes good care of their investment and tenants—and does it all at an affordable cost. We have years of experience providing operational, tenant and financial management services to landlords and property managers. Simple Renting handles the puzzle pieces so that you can focus on the things that bring you pleasure.

So now, imagine spending your coin…

… Enjoying the benefits of owning without the headaches associated with leasing

… Your greatest challenges handled daily giving you back your time and peace of mind

… Delegating to a dedicated team who can save you time and money

Stop imagining. Talk to Simple Renting. What are you waiting for?

Our Core Values

Renting Made Simple

Reduce stress. Enjoy the pleasures of renting.


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